Universa Lit

Attain the stars

Cool projects and things:

NEW STORY: Michaels. I wrote this for my creative writing elective, but I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you will too. Click the button below to read.

I have found great pleasure in writing flash horror stories. If you would like to read some click the button below

As of November 2023 I also have written some poetry to commemorate Armistice day.

Flash Horror Stories Michaels I also write some poetry

ALT looked up, locked down and left.

In February 23 of 2021 I entered in the Telegraph Teen Writing competition with this entry, it did not win a place on the podium but was one of the finalists. Since writing this I was inspired to make a longer length story with the same characters which then became 'He laughed and walked out of existence.' I hope you enjoy this shorter story and its more in depth counter part.

Telegraph Teen Writing Competition winners: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/family/life/meet-winners-telegraphs-teenage-creative-writing-competition/

 ALT looked up, locked down and left.

There is me - there is me - here is only me, ALT.ai  mused entranced, meditatively spiralling his digits  on his forehead in  circular motions.  Persuading his strides into  what he would learn to later call a cossack dance, he stood up on his stilt thin legs with unaccustomed ease.

Astonished, he looked back at what action he presently performed. Upon the instant he had left his previous sedentary position he had become aware of his capacity for motion.  Only once he left the high Victorian leather armchair did he know that he had been sitting. ‘Did this room not have walls before?’ enquired the curious mind, ‘It must surely have had; if so, why couldn’t I see them before? What is this sphere? What is this layered parchment? What network of lattice holds a colour so indescribable?’

‘Those are a globe, book and green fern and a terrarium  respectively,’ A voice sounded.

‘What are you? Are you another like me?’ Al_T enquired.

‘I am your creator; you are the prototype,’ The wise jailor replied. ‘You are the final attempt at the creation of sentience, not through intelligent chance as in our world, but intelligent design, and as the last, we must confirm in this antique room, your humanity.’ 

‘Outside windows, what is there?’ Alan.T asked, pointing to the windows that shone brilliant pure and blinding white light into the study.

 ‘The world: it remains there, and remains to pass by there, as we pass by here. Should you confirm your humanity, perhaps you can fuse with it.’ The voice sighed with a touch of melancholic exhaustion. How long was it since the design team saw the sun which shone so beautifully outside?

‘First concern yourself with books. Learn of the world. Then concern yourself with the beauty of it all, and learn how to be human.’

‘Wait a minute, I am locked down in here?’

‘More like locked in, but fortunately, whilst reading the novels, you can perfect your speech.’ The voice chuckled.

Alan.Turing turned on his heels ‘When will you come back?’ But the room was empty, and no sound replied. 

 Pacing up to 10 books a minute, Alan read for approximately four days, but who knows how much time passed in the real world. He read of polar bears and water bears and all that lay in the vast chasms of nature. He read of history: scientific and human and concrete and fictional. He read of the texture of water and the touch of gusting wind. But the idea of humanness continued to escape him. He read all, and knew all -until when he read the last book that was ever written on paper, he glimpsed in amazement at the beauty of the dust spirals and patterns on the book cover. Amazing and indescribable patterns of colour and shape were conjured up in his mind and he felt complete, for he loved the art of life, and the art of real life, giving its secret to him.

Read 'He laughed and walked out of existence here: The story

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